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Re: Microsoft Merchant Server

MS had information about it on their website (http://www.microsoft.com) 


On Wed, 28 Aug 1996, Sean Wiley wrote:

> John Lehmann (SSASyd) wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Does anyone know anything about the Microsoft Merchant Server, or of
> > sites that are using it successfully?
> > 
> Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but when we contacted Microsoft last
> week about this, we were told that they were about 30 days from a beta
> release. The press releases you have seen are probably just the usual
> pre-announcements.
> I believe that some of the public info about the product includes the
> fact that it is based on the eShop product they purchased and that it
> will make heavy use of ActiveX and their COM model. I have no specific
> security info at this time. 
> -- 
> Sean Wiley		     | EDS Internet Technologies
> Senior Systems Engineer	     | 5400 Legacy Drive
> Voice: (214) 604-4375	     | B4-1A-26
> Fax: (214) 604-7969	     | Plano TX 75024
> mailto://swiley@mmts.eds.com | http://www.eds.com
> Opinions expressed are my own and not my employer,
> except by bizarre coincidence
